At 10 months old
Charlie is taking steps! The most he's done is 3 in a row, but he's trying!
He is 20lbs- in the 50% for both height and weight
Eats like a man. Seriously. Usually eats more than both Izzy & Jess combined at meal times- and so far will eat anything we give him.
Has had his first ear infection :(
Goes to be by 6:30 and sleeps until 5:30 - 6:30 on most days (why don't my children sleep in???)
Takes 2 naps a day, usually 1 hour to 2 hours long
Still no teeth (seriously?!?)
Loves to play with cars, balls, and anything outside
Is a big garden fan- always out by the garden boxes watching daddy and trying to find things to eat (he really loves the flowers, but now that he knows what cherry tomatoes taste like, that's what he goes for)
His hair is thickening up and is very very blond- and it looks like there may be a little curl in the back
Says Mama & Dada pretty regularly, does the signs for all day and more when he feels like it, and his best trick is "So Big!"
He also loves to stand up and just clap
Seems to me that he's not going to be very shy- he's pretty outgoing wherever we are
A total little monkey. He can climb up the stairs of our house, and the latter into the big playhouse, and also climbs up any slide that's around.
In 9 - 12 month clothing, and seems to be outgrowing them pretty fast
Loves to suck his thumb and cuddle by laying his head on your shoulder- melts me every time
Is so so very loved by his big sister, mommy & daddy!
Sunday, July 7, 2013
Sunday, January 13, 2013
Charlie Steve is Four Months Old!!!
Weighs 12.14, still a little dude but getting up there!
26 inches
Eats every 1 - 3 hours around the clock. Occasionally 4 hours- but that is RARE
Just starting to wear 3 - 6 month clothes
3 - 4 naps a day, usually 30 -45 minutes long but starting to stretch out longer
Can see those teeth- getting closer!
Crazy drool monster
Loves his sisters!
Starting to notice food
90% cloth diapered, trying to figure out nights
loves to be held/worn
softest fuzzle head
Big blue eyes
starting to giggle
starting to scootch and grab toys
We love love love this little dude!
Monday, December 10, 2012
Charlie is 3 months old!
At 3 Months old, Charlie
Weighs about 11 pounds, 10 ounces
Has had some weight gain issues that we've been working on!
He just started to sleep in his crib- he goes to bed at 5 and is up for the day around 6
His longest stretch of strait sleep during this time is about 4.5 hours, then it's every 1.5 - 3 hours.
Mommy is VERY tired
He eats about every 2 hours during the day
He can stay awake for about and hour and a half - two hours before he needs to go down again for nap
He naps about 3- 5 times a day
He is starting to grab at his toys and is constantly chewing on his hand
He can roll from his tummy to his back, but usually it startles him so I think he doesn't like to do it much
I can see his teeth, I'm guessing by 5 months it'll pop
He still loves to be held, and mommy is obsessed with woven wraps to wear him in
He is a total flirt and loves to smile and coo at anyone who will talk to him
He's crazy drooly, he needs to wear a bib
He can lift one eye brow like daddy & big sister Jess
He's a pretty good mix of his parents, we get about a 50/50 on who he looks like
He's in 0 - 3 month clothing, but it's starting to get too short. He may not be chubby, but he's stretching out!
He is so very loved by his parents & big sisters, and is already growing way too fast!Saturday, December 1, 2012
Sunday, November 11, 2012
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Family Snowfall Holiday
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Family Snowfall Holiday
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