
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

At 3 Years Old

Miss Isabella Johanna
Or Izzy J as well like to call her....

At 3 years old she
Talks non-stop, and it's amazing how much her speech cleared up in the last year
Loves to cuddle
And make everyone in our family laugh
She loves to play with baby dolls
And is constantly moving
She claims to like Dora, but she almost never sits through an episode
She weighs 36.5lbs and is 38 inches tall. 90th percentile.  Solid little girl!
She loves to do whatever her big sister does
And she has decided to stop napping.  And sleeping in general. Mommy is going a bit insane (I'm going to keep baby #3 in the crib until college)
But usually she sleeps from 6:30/7 at night until about 6 in the morning
She is a "spirited" child
Loves to eat, but not at meal times.
She is a serious thumb sucker- either one works!
Her favorite foods are lollipops & m&m's, but she does a good deal of eating her fruits and veggies as well
Sucks both of her thumbs
Is coming predominately left handed.  Trying to teach her how to write and cut is a bit of a challenge for mommy!
Loves to play pretend, especially pretending to be a mommy- going to Target.
She's quite the personality, but make us laugh every single day!  Big Sister Jessica, Mommy & Daddy love you so very very much Miss Izzy J!


  1. That is awesome!! And can I say I almost cried when I read "left-handed"?? Josh will have a lefty in the family :)

  2. forget the thumbs izzy i have something nice for you to suck
