
Sunday, January 2, 2011

Rainy Day Walk in the Back yard...

As I'm sure most of you have heard, its been a really REALLY wet December.
Thank God most of the rainy days have been when I've been closed and not stuck inside with 12 + preschoolers....
But even a week was more than enough for my girls.
We needed to get outside.
Got out the rain gear and let them go
Izzy was STOKED

I about died laughing watching them run around this pole in the deepest puddle in our backyard, and then watch Izzy stumble around all dizzy.  Something about dizzy kids seriously makes me crack up

Hope that the rainy season is over now, now that I have to go back to work ;)  Vacation was a blast, but looking forward to getting back in to my/our routine again
Happy New Year everyone!